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2020年3月18日 星期三

The analysis result of recycle zinc from ash

Most of galvanizers worry that 主題標籤galvanizing 主題標籤ash 主題標籤recycle 主題標籤zinc can be reuse or not? we had send samples to analysis. find the detail in below. BTY, You can not ONLY add ash recycle zinc that will increase the dross due to Fe content. but 80/20 or 70/30 will a good ratio.

#The analysis of zinc from different area

Sample A was from zinc bath, and sample B was from our ash recycle system. You can find the Fe has been increased because during melting process the zinc will also effect with steel drum. Second, recycle zinc content higher aluminum because it was recycled from top ashes (Most aluminum will float on top of zinc bath.) On the other hand the client add lead into zinc bath due to surface request, most of their product is casting product.

#Outside view of our ash recovery system.

#inside view of our ash recovery system

#worker watching the ainc comes out.

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